Monday, 20 December 2021

What Are The Health Benefits of Wearing Red Coral Stone?

A red coral stone (Moonga) is an organic stone that is originated from sea water. The stone coral as per astrological studies is affiliated with the dominant planet Mars. On the basis of that, let’s see what are the health benefits of wearing red coral stone:

The red coral stone proves excellent in healing or curbing all blood-related diseases. If an individual who suffers from high blood pressure problem wears this stone can annihilates all blood-related problems.

This stone proves panacea if a person is suffering from stomach pain.

Taking the powder of red coral with kewda water will prove benign for pregnant women. Since wearing this stone reduces the miscarriage chances.

The red coral stone should be worn if a person is suffering from a cough problem. This stone combat against all the cough related diseases.

The red coral stone proves also benevolent if this stone is worn in hand to annihilate the piles’ problem, baldness related problem.

Wearing red coral stone also aids in removing mental tensions and pyorrhea problem.

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