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Thursday, 30 December 2021
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Wednesday, 29 December 2021
7 Important Information About Amethyst Stone
Amethyst is the violet color stone associated with semi-precious gemstone. This beautiful gemstone acts as a protection to its wearer.
Saturday, 25 December 2021
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Thursday, 23 December 2021
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Tuesday, 21 December 2021
Buy Red Coral Gemstone Online At Best Price, Moonga Stone
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Monday, 20 December 2021
What Are The Health Benefits of Wearing Red Coral Stone?
This stone proves panacea if a person is suffering from stomach pain.
Taking the powder of red coral with kewda water will prove benign for pregnant women. Since wearing this stone reduces the miscarriage chances.
The red coral stone should be worn if a person is suffering from a cough problem. This stone combat against all the cough related diseases.
The red coral stone proves also benevolent if this stone is worn in hand to annihilate the piles’ problem, baldness related problem.
Wearing red coral stone also aids in removing mental tensions and pyorrhea problem.
5 Myths About Pearl Gemstone
Pearl is one of the oldest and universal of all gemstones. Therefore, there are many popular myths and superstitions that have been strung with the pearl gemstone from centuries. Now, let’s talk about some popular beliefs and superstitions attached to the mesmerizing pearl stone.
The first of its kind superstitious about pearl gemstone which is quite famous is that pearl stone should never be incorporated with the engagement rings because pearls represent tears and sadness.
So, it is said that if a woman wears many pearls, she would have to shed numerous tears in her marriage. Therefore, a woman should never adorn a pearl stone engagement ring.
Wearing pearl stone in the form of a ring will bring good health, fortune, luck and prosperity to their wearer.
It was also believed that wearing pearl gemstone cures jaundice, prevents from a snake bite and insect bite.
Since pearl gemstone is discovered from the sea. It was believed that wearing pearl gemstones prevents divers from shark attacks.
Thursday, 16 December 2021
Mystical World Of Cats Eye Gemstone
The Cats eye Gemstone is one of the strongest gemstones offered by mother nature. It is so strong that if it does not suit the wearer, it will immediately show signs of uneasiness, restlessness, etc. In this blog we will discuss the mystical world of catseye gemstone.
Facts about Cat’s eye Lehsunia
* The chemical that causes this effect on the cat’s eye is identified as Chrysoberyl (BeO.Al2O3)
* Cat’s eye is greenish, brownish, yellowish and colorless shades.
* It has a specific gravity of 3.71 and hardness of 8.5 on the Moh’s scale
* It is brittle, but interestingly it is hard enough to be cast into a ring
* Translucent multi-shaded stones that resemble a cat’s eye are frequently mistaken for quartz tiger’s eye.
Making Your Business Successful With Yellow Sapphire Gemstone
Yellow Sapphire is the gemstone of the beneficent planet Jupiter or Guru, which signifies financial prosperity, good fortune, and fulfillment in relationships, great wisdom, and a robust health. In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of yellow sapphire.
How Jupiter Influences the Business : It believes that Jupiter is indulgent and generous in nature. It enhances the intellect and decision-making powers of the native, helping him to take his business in a positive direction.
Yellow Sapphire Maximizes the Profitability of Business : The Yellow Sapphire Gemstone is very useful in the business field as it guarantees success. Pukhraj gemstone amplifies wealth and success in all endeavors. It is recommended that yellow sapphire is best for your personal as well as professional growth and success.
Yellow Sapphire for Prosperity in Business : Buying a good quality natural yellow sapphire can help you get both stability and prosperity for your business. The only thing to be kept in mind is that you have to consult an astrologer before wearing this gemstone.
Saturday, 11 December 2021
Healing Properties Of Amethyst Gemstone
The mesmerizing purple color and distinct shine of this stone make it one of the best choices to be worn with rings, necklace, and other jewelry items; besides, using this gorgeous gemstone with jewelry items.
The purple color gemstones are also famous for possessing fascinating healing properties that will help a person to get rid-off from serious health issues.
The amethyst stone is a natural tranquilizer, it helps a person to get relieve from high mental stress, anxiety, depression, and balance mood swings.

Besides these benefits of wearing amethyst, the powerful gemstone abates the frequency of anger, alleviates gloominess, sadness and dissolves negativity.
Healing Properties :
Amethyst gemstone is known to improve the immune system of its wearer and help in diagnosing serious health problems such as cancer. It blocks malignant cancer and aids in tissue regeneration.
The substantial stone also cleanses the blood and improves the blood circulation in the body. Wearing this stone will heal burns, swelling and hearing problem effectively. This stone proves excellent for those people who uses alcohol, smoking, and other drugs.
Wearing amethyst will help them overcome all these addictions with its enchanting healing prowess. It calms down the mind and helps you put more focus or concentration on your work.
Moreover, it will also inject love into your marital life also it will help you to defeat emotional burden. The stone blesses mental stableness to its wearer.
Apart from all these healing properties of amethyst, it will also enhance spiritual proximity and assist one to achieve spiritual enlightenment in their lives.
Amethyst is regarded as the birthstone of month February. Hence, it would be quite beneficial for those who are born in the month of February to wear this stone. Because wearing it will bring happiness, health, and prosperity in their lives.
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Thursday, 9 December 2021
Benefits & Uses of White Zircon Gemstone in Astrology
It is the gemstone of the planet Venus and is believed to bring a lot of good luck and bliss to Taurus and Libra moon signs. A colorless or white zircon stone is also famous for its stunning and vitreous luster with flashes of multicolored light. This intense fire that it produces is said to resemble a diamond.
Let’s check out some amazing astrological uses and benefits of these gemstones:
1. White Zircon is a beautiful substitute for Diamond and White Sapphire
Being ruled by the planet Venus, a white zircon can be easily used in place of a diamond or white sapphire gemstone, as these stones also represent the planet of Beauty and Luxury.
2. It strengthens relationships
White zircon can bring immense joy, love, and happiness in relationships, and is a wonderful stone to attain marital bliss. This gem is also useful for women who wish to gel with other women without any conflicts.
Read- Zircon Gemstone – The Birthstone Of December Month
3. It protects the wearer from negative energies
One of the best astrological benefits of white zircon is that it protects the wearer from harmful energies released by the weak planets in their horoscope. It helps in removing negative energies and boosts positivity. Furthermore, this stone also protects from nightmares and helps in providing a good sleep.
4. It promotes good health
This gem is great for maintaining an overall good health of the wearer. It cures fever, epilepsy, insanity, abdominal problems, and issues with the reproductive system. It also provides great relief in respiratory tract problems and muscle troubles. In addition, white zircon can prove to be beneficial in treating diabetes and preventing migraine attacks.
5. It provides a great holistic effect
By bringing a physical, emotional and spiritual balance in the body, it treats a person holistically. This beautiful gem also helps in bringing harmony and in bringing peace as well as purity to the heart.
6. It works wonders in bringing financial and career-related progress
White zircon is a great gemstone for those who engaged in creative careers like writing, art, entertainment, public relations, etc. Wearing this helps a person gain more confidence and acceptance.
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Wednesday, 8 December 2021
What is Difference Between Yellow Sapphire And Topaz Gemstone?
Yellow sapphire and topaz, both are precious gemstones and highly appreciated for their delicate colors and intriguing qualities. Due to their rich set of features, people highly appreciate wearing this gemstone.
However, due to their same physical appearance arises the confusion among people that whether these stones are same or different. Thus, to understand the difference between yellow sapphire and topaz read the following.
Yellow Sapphire Gemstone:
First of all, we will discuss the yellow sapphire gemstone. The preeminent yellow sapphire belongs to the corundum family.
The hardness of the stone is 9.0 on the Mohs scale which makes this gemstone one of the toughest gemstone among all gemstones. The highest quality yellow sapphire stones found from Sri Lanka, Japan, Tasmania, England.
Yellow Sapphire is immensely popular among people all around the world due to it is rare color and physical characteristics. Generally, people just adore wearing yellow sapphire as an engagement ring, necklace and in another form of jewelry. Apart from its enduring physical characteristics the above gemstone also attains excellent astrological features.
It is being said as per Indian mythology that yellow sapphire gemstone or Pukhraj stone affiliated with the coercive planet Jupiter, which signifies wealth, fortune, luck, and happiness. Thus, by wearing this gemstone a person qualifies to attain all auspicious results advertised by the planet Jupiter.
Topaz Gemstone:
Topaz Gemstone appears quite identical to yellow sapphire or Pukhraj by the reason of that little gem seller sells topaz in the place of the yellow sapphire gemstone.
However, in comparison to yellow sapphire, topaz is not that much rare and valuable gemstone. However, it is rich in offering different varieties of colors ranging from red, yellow, blue and pink.
Whereas initially, a topaz gemstone is colorless nonetheless, it exhibits different colors when a different quantity of impurities is being added to the gemstone topaz.
Majorly, the yellow color topaz displays the rich amount of yellow color in comparison to yellow sapphire that displays light yellow color. The topaz stone found abundantly on earth, but yellow sapphire does not find that much quantity.

Difference Between Yellow Sapphire And Topaz Gemstone
- Yellow sapphire is light yellow in color with more transparency, whereas a topaz stone is a dark yellow in color with rich brightness.
- Topaz gemstone is not a rare gemstone, it finds in almost all places on the earth, whereas; in the case of yellow sapphire it found in rare places.
- Topaz gemstone is one of the most excellent and precious semi-stone on the other hand; yellow sapphire is one of the best precious gemstones.
- Topaz gemstone generally heats at a low temperature, as comparatively yellow sapphire. Since yellow sapphire is a valuable gemstone and it is mandatory to dispel all negative forces or impurities which are being attached to the gemstone. Although topaz gemstone heats at a definite temperature to dispel negativeness absolve inside the stone.
- Apart from physical appearance, the yellow sapphire stones appreciated for its high-end astrological powers. Unfortunately, Topaz does not possess any of such properties.
- The specific gravity of yellow sapphire stone is much higher than topaz stone.
- Yellow sapphire gemstone is more expensive in proportionate to topaz.
- Yellow sapphire is denser whereas topaz is less dense.
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Tuesday, 7 December 2021
Popular Emerald Gemstone Jewelry
Except being qualified as the “stone of true love”, the emerald stone is also popular as the birthstone for month May born ascendant. Apparently, the emerald stone is generally being used for its excellent astrological characteristics.
However, except this due to its superlative appearance the emerald or Panna stone in Hindi is eminently being used as wedding jewelry. Women appreciate wearing emerald gemstone wedding ring, engagement ring, necklace, bracelet on that most special occasion to look spell-bound beautiful. Let’s see down the popular jewelry items of emerald gemstone for the occasion of a wedding and engagement ceremonies.
Emerald Stone Ring:
Rings from the ancient time has considered as an ideal gift to reflect your love and affection toward someone. So on this special occasion of the wedding; in order to make this moment unforgettable. You can surprise your beloved one by presenting her an elegant looking emerald gemstone wedding ring.
The green color emerald gemstone jewelry looks so dazzling that it draws the attention of each pair of eyes toward it quite easily. Moreover, wearing the emerald gemstone engagement or wedding ring stimulates love and affection in your married life and dispels all the marital problems.
Emerald Necklace:
The scintillating pieces of emerald stone will look enticing in the neck of a bride and voluntarily back in enhancing the overall appearance of a bride. Thus, gift emerald gemstone embedded necklace to your bride before the inception of the new relation.
Emerald Stone Bracelet:
Bracelets are nowadays quite in trend by reason of they look decent and funky at the same time. Thus, wearing a bracelet studded with beautiful green emerald stone will look elegant and quite attractive.
In addition to this, an emerald gemstone bracelet tied around the wrist will not only enhance the beauty of a person but also bequeaths marital bliss. Hence, this is another important item of the emerald gemstone which one can try on their wedding.
Emerald stone pendants:
Besides gifting emerald ring, necklace or bracelet; you can also gift your beloved one emerald gemstone studded pendants.
The emerald stone embedded pendant look fabulous and draws the attention of everyone around you instantly. So, for the sake of true love and affection present this emerald stone pendant as the wedding gift to your bride.
Emerald stone Earrings:
Earrings consider to be the most popular jewelry item among women which every woman yearns to wear and experiment with.
Hence, why should not try something new on the account of D-day? The gleamingly emerald gemstone studded earrings will catch the attraction of each pair of the eye toward the bride instantly.
Consequently, on the premier occasion of your wedding gift these charming pair of earrings to the angel of your life. And win her heart by miles.
Monday, 6 December 2021
Buy Best Quality Red Coral Gemstone
Red Coral is a precious, bright red organic gemstone. It is a popular astrological gemstone worn to ensure success in leadership roles, sports, business, and health.
7 Important Information About Amethyst Stone
Amethyst is the violet color gemstone associated with the quartz family and it is the variety of semi-precious gemstone. The word amethyst comes from the Greek word “amethystos” which means “non-intoxicating”, “not drunk”.
This beautiful semi precious gemstone acts as a protection to its wearer from any kind of intoxication. Firstly, It is found in purple to reddish purple color but sometimes referred to as a raspberry. As a result, Amethyst displays their best color in daylight only.
Gemological Properties of Amethyst
Chemical Formula: | SiO2 – Silicon dioxide |
Crystal Structure: | Trigonal; hexagonal prisms |
Color: | Violet, pale red-violet, purple |
Hardness: | 7 on the Mohs scale |
Refractive Index: | 1.544 – 1.553 |
Density: | 1.544 – 1.553 |
Cleavage: | None |
Transparency: | Transparent to semi-translucent |
Double Refraction / Birefringence: | 0.009 |
Luster: | Vitreous |
Fluorescence: | Weak – bluish |
Sources of Amethyst Stone
The main sources of the amethyst gemstone are Brazil, Uruguay, Sri Lanka, Siberian, Canada, India, Argentina, Zambia, Myanmar, Russia, Mexico, Madagascar etc.
Healing Properties of Amethyst Gemstone
- It brings protection and spiritual growth to its wearer.
- Amethyst is very helpful to get rid of your home and body negative energy and attracts positive energy.
- The stone is meditating and calming stone and gives calmness to its wearer because It works on the emotional, spiritual, and physical planes to promote calm, balance and peace.
- It is used to eliminate impatience as well as having strong healing and cleansing power.
- this gemstone is very powerful stone which guards against psychic attack, balance and mood swings, dispels anger, fear and anxiety.
- It strengthens the immune system, reduces pain and strengthens so the body fight against cancer. Also, Amethyst eases headaches and releases tension.
How to use the power of amethyst
Amethyst is the most beautiful purple color semi precious gemstone which is an inexpensive and widely used gemstone. So, Here are some ways to use the power of amethyst gemstone.
- Improve your eyesight by gently looking into the amethyst stone
- Take a stone under the pillow to cleanse your energy overnight and encourage healing abilities.
- Wearing amethyst can also assist in overcoming addictions to cigarettes, drugs, and other habits.

Wearing Methods of Amethyst semi precious Gemstone
Amethyst gemstone is also known as Jamunia as per astrology. It is one of the healing stones to calm and protect the mind.
Amethyst gives so many benefits to its wearer, but it is possible When the wearer will wear Amethyst Stone with all correct wearing methods. So, here are some wearing rituals of wearing amethyst gemstone are:
Purification and Activation of Amethyst Gemstone: For purifying and activation of amethyst gemstone, firstly take a metal bowl and add Gangajal, Tulsi Leaves, Unboiled Cow’s milk, Honey, and Ghee.
After mixing it with a ring or pendant, then Recite the mantra 108 times, to energize the ring. “Om Sham Shanishcharaye Namah”.
Minimum weight of Amethyst Stone: The minimum weight of amethyst gemstone is 3 to 5 Carats.
Finger to wear Amethyst Stone: To get good results, amethyst gemstone should be worn on the middle finger of the right hand.
Metal for Amethyst Stone: Make amethyst rings or pendant in silver metal only.
Day To wear amethyst stone: For great results, Amethyst ring should be worn on Saturday during Shukla Paksha days.
Time to wear amethyst stone: The amethyst gemstone should be worn on Saturday 5 To 7 am or 1 To 2 pm on during Shukla Paksha days
Benefits of wearing amethyst semi precious gemstone
So, Here are some benefits of wearing amethyst gemstone are:
- Reduces stress, anxiety, fear, and grief
- Helps bring clarity in decision making
- It reduces injuries and treats hearing disorders
- It guards against psychic attack
- Strong healing and cleansing powers.
- Encourages selflessness and spiritual wisdom
- It relieves insomnia
- Powerful and protective stone
- Activates spiritual awareness
- Brings peace and tranquility in the home
- Calms the mind
- Natural stress reliever
- Attract positive energies

How To Care Amethyst semi precious gemstone Jewelry?
Amethyst stone is the perfect piece for making an alluring and big statement jewelry, But if you want to shine always like this then you have to keep your jewelry clean.
If you have a ring, then you have to clean it on a regular basis to protect it against the build-up of dirt and grime.
The cleaning process of amethyst jewelry is very simple and easy to follow.
Step 1# Firstly, Take a bowl and fill it with warm water. Do not add any other additives to the water because this water will be used to rinse off the detergent from the ring.
Step 2# Take another bowl and fill it with warm water and add 1 tablespoon of mild liquid detergent. Mix it well.
Step 3# Dip your amethyst ring into the bowl of water and detergent. Swish the ring around gently and pull out of the water.
Step 4# Take a toothbrush or any other soft brush which has a soft bristle . Apply the brush around the ring very softly and gently.
Step 5# Dip the ring into the bowl of warm water to rinse.
Step 6# After rinsing it properly, wipe the ring with the clean and dry soft cloth.
Sunday, 5 December 2021
Rituals Wearing Pearl Gemstone (Moti Stone)
Methods/Rituals of Wearing Pearl Gemstone:
- Before you wear the ring, you need to energize and purify the pearl stone by dipping it in raw cow milk and then washing it with the Gangajal.
- After doing so, the wearer should chant the following mantra of the Moon 108 times and then put on the pearl ring in the correct finger.
Planet | Moon |
Time | The first hour of the day (after sunrise) |
Day To Wear | Monday |
Finger To Wear | Ring/Little |
Metal | Silver |
Which Hand | Working Hand (Right Hand) |
Stone Weight | According to body weight (For 10Kg bodyweight need 1 Ratti) |
Mantra | Om Chandraya Naham |
The unique stone pearl is a source of fascination, formed within a living organism and is used in its natural form, without cutting or polishing. After wearing the ring, the native should donate items such as sugar, rice, wheat, cloth and money to beggars to enhance the positivity of the pearl stone.
These rituals are of vital importance as they help release positive vibrations of the gemstone, making it more effective. Besides wearing it in a ring, you can also wear a pearl pendant for excellent results. The wearer can experience multifold benefits of wearing this delicate and amazing gemstone pearl.
Saturday, 4 December 2021
Which Zodiac Ascendant Should Wear Blue Sapphire
Saturn‘s General Characteristics.
Among the nine planets in the universe, Saturn is the 2nd largest planet of the solar system and it is the sixth planet from the sun. Saturn derived from the English word “Saturday “and in Greek mythology, it was the Roman name for the lord of Titan, Cronus.
This planet is the farthest away from the earth and is the most extraordinary among all planets. It is the 2nd largest planet after Jupiter and consists mainly of hydrogen and helium gas.
In astrology, Saturn, also known as ‘Shani’ is the slowest moving planet in space but has quite strong effects on a person horoscope. It gives both good as well as bad effect based on its compatibility to the birth charts.If Saturn is beneficial towards a person, that person may become a great scholar with a good command over the language. Saturn is capable of providing immense wealth and at the same time can also cause wealth to disappear if it turns malefic.
The people whom Saturn favors have high possibilities of engaging in the trade of machinery, furnace, leather, cement, wood, iron, oil, transport, astrology and rubber.
When Saturn turns malefic, the person who has it in his birth chart has to face a lot of struggles in life. He may suffer from diseases related to stomach. There are high chances that he may also lose prosperity or fall prey to detention.
As per Vedic astrology, the blue sapphire gemstone is connected to Saturn planet. Care should be taken to ensure that the Blue Sapphire quality is certified by the astrologer as any flaws in the gemstone can lead to fates, health problems and fall from grace.
What to do in case Saturn is Harmful?
A lot of people scares of the Saturn or Shani. If the Saturn or Shani is weak or malefic, then that person will have various types of obstacles in his life apart from having physical illnesses like numbness in the limbs, frail eyesight, and insecurity and inferiority feelings.
Saturn is a karmic planet and its periods will make or break an individual’s life. The Sade Sati or Saturn cycle which consist of 3 Phases over a period of 7.5 years can be a defining phase in an individual’s life.
As per Vedic Astrology, Saturn is the Lord of Aquarius and Capricorn zodiac signs. It provides beneficial results when placed in Libra and becomes weak and shows some malefic results when placed in Aries.
There are many corrective procedures for getting rid of the malefic influence of the Saturn. The Tone and Tote, Rudra’s, Yantra, Mantra, and Gemstone are part of the remedial measures. Among the gemstone blue sapphire or Neelam is highly popular among the people.
Thursday, 2 December 2021
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Ruby gemstone is one of the most demanding and powerful gemstone, basically used for astrological purposes. Ruby is also worn in all type of jewelry item. Now, buy natural ruby online by
Zircon Gemstone – Birthstone Of December Month
The mesmerizing blue color Zircon gemstone is considered as the December Birthstone. Therefore, all those natives who are born in the month of December can wear this benevolent and precious gemstone zircon to avail the innumerable benefits which are being offered by this stone. Zircon is a semi precious gemstone comes closer to resembling Diamond than any other natural gem.
As per Indian holy books and scriptures, the zircon stone was useful to implant on Kalpa trees in the form of leaves.
In earlier times, zircon stone used to play the supporting role for gemstones. However, in the present time, this gemstone is using due to its intriguing properties to influence the life of a person.
The zircon stone promptly symbolizes health, fortune, prosperity and endow growth in business and wisdom. Unlike other stone that offers only a single color to their users.
Zircon gemstone can be spotted in different colors. Therefore, those individuals who are born in the month of December get surplus color options to choose from the best color which suits them and look attractive.
In spite of the above fact, blue zircon is acknowledged to be the perfect stone that could be subscribed as a birthstone for the month of December.
The Benefit of Wearing Zircon Gemstone
- The blue color zircon stone can wear in the form of the birthstone of the month of December.
- It has got excellent healing properties that help an ascendant to ward-off against severe diseases related to the lungs, ulcer throat and stomach.
- Besides these excellent healing properties of zircon stone; it also bequeaths its wearer happiness, wisdom, prosperity, and growth in business.
- Thus, a native of month December must wear this stone to obtain or earn the superlative benefits which is being provided by this auspicious stone.
- The famous colors of this stone are blue, orange-yellow, and light blue. Nevertheless, the blue color is popular to be the most desirable color zircon stone among all other colors. Furthermore, this amazing blue color stone has astrological values also.
- Therefore, in order to secure the astrological benefits; it has advised by the astrologers to wear only blue color zircon stone as the birthstone of December.
Origin of Zircon Gemstone:
Thigh-quality zircon stone came from countries like Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar, and Australia. Besides these countries, there are few other countries that also produce the birthstone of December Zircon. Zircon is one of the heaviest stone and it need to reserve separately in order to preserve its qualities.
So, this is everything about the Zircon the birthstone of the month of December. However, apart from this, there is one more stone that is Tanzanian which is the birthstone for the month of December. In my next post, We will discuss everything about Tanzanian stone.
Wednesday, 1 December 2021
Wearing Yellow Sapphire Gemstone (Pukhraj Stone)
Q: How To Wear Yellow Sapphire(pukhraj) Gemstone?
Planet | Jupiter |
Time | The first hour of the day (after sunrise) |
Day To Wear | Thursday |
Finger To Wear | Index |
Metal | Gold |
Which Hand | Working Hand (Right Hand) |
Stone Weight | According to body weight (For 10Kg body weight need 1 Ratti) |
Mantra | ॐब्रह्मब्रह्स्प्तियेनम: |
Q: How To Purify And Active Yellow Sapphire (pukhraj)?
Answer: For purification and activation of yellow sapphire, dip your Pukhraj ring in honey, the Gangajal or milk for 10 to 20 mins for energizing the gem with the prescribed mantra “ॐब्रह्मब्रह्स्प्तियेनम:”
Q: What Is The Minimum Weight Of Yellow Sapphire?
Answer: To get a good result, The minimum weight of yellow sapphire (Pukhraj Stone) depends on the bodyweight of the wearer (For 10Kg bodyweight need 1 Ratti).
Q: In Which Finger Yellow Sapphire(pukhraj) Gemstone Should Be Worn?
Answer: According to astrology generally, it should be worn on the Index finger of right hand.
Q: Which Is The Best Day To Wear Yellow Sapphire(pukhraj) ?
Answer: According to Vedic Astrology, The person should wear yellow sapphire on Thursday in Shukla Paksha days.
Q: What Is The Best Time To Wear Yellow Sapphire?
Answer: To get the blessings of Jupiter, You can wear yellow sapphire gemstone the first hour of the day (after sunrise) in waxing Moon days (Shukla Paksha days).
Q: In Which Metal Yellow Sapphire Should Be Embedded?
Answer: For best results yellow sapphire, Pukhraj should be worn in gold, but if you can’t afford gold, you can make it in punch Dhatu also.
Q: What are the Origins Of Yellow Sapphire?
Answer: The Origin of Yellow Sapphire is Sri Lanka, Eastern Australia, Thailand, China, Madagascar, East Africa, and in North America and in a few locations in Montana.