A White coral gemstone is composed of calcium carbonate. The stone obtains from the sea where it is an outgrowth of leafless bushes. The auspicious skeleton of a white coral leaf is composed of calcium carbonate. The stone finds in diverse colors red, white, and vermilion.
As per astrology, the white coral gemstone associated with the coercive planet Mars denotes sexuality, courage, determination, passion, cruelty, anger, and self-confidence.
Mars is contemplated to be the commander-in-chief among all the planets. The planet enforces physical strength, stamina, and self-confidence and avoids healing blood-related diseases.
Since, Mars symbolizes cruelty, aggressiveness, and dominant nature. Therefore, it is only benevolent if it inclines in the auspicious houses.
In case, if it is placed in the negative houses will create an impact on the overall personality of an individual. Thus, proper guidance is required before wearing coral stone.
Minimum Weight Of Stone: The optimum weight of the white coral stone depends on the body weight of the wearer.
Suitable Metal For Stone: The substantial planet Mars engenders positive effects in the lives of an individual if it subscribes to the metals like gold or copper.
Particular Day and Time To Wear: The best suitable time to wear white coral is Tuesday morning in the first hour of the day (after sunrise) on waxing Moon days (Shukla paksha days).
Mantra: After, the former step the white coral stone should be put onto the white cloth, and whilst reciting the mantra 108 times the astrologer wears the ring on the ring finger of the right hand.
“Aum Bhaum Bhaumaye Namah Aum”
The white coral stone will commence reflecting its positive results after one month. It will continue to showcase its usefulness for at least four years.
How to clean and take care of the white coral stone
Besides properly wearing white coral gemstone; one should also properly look after this gemstone to preserve its qualities.
Buy Natural Red Coral
As wearing a defective white coral stone will instead of generating positive effects emerge negative effects in life. Thus, to appropriately take care of white coral stone reads the following steps:
Protect White Coral From Chemicals:
There are plethoras of chemicals that may damage the quality of the white coral gemstones(Moonga Ratna). Besides, dangerous chemicals, the quality of white coral stones may decline due to the exposure of these white coral gemstones to hairspray, body lotion, perfume, and several cosmetic products. It is also possible that these harmful chemicals can destroy the white coral products completely.
Therefore, while implying hairspray, lotion, and household cleaners, white coral gems should be removed for the sake of their convenience. Since all these products contain ammonia or chlorine bleach that is capable of damaging the white coral. It damages also white coral rings, white coral necklaces, etc..
Remove white coral before swimming:
If you are fond of swimming, then swimming does remove your white coral because swimming with these white coral gemstones can destroy them completely. Since, pool water is chlorinated water, which is dangerous for metals, especially white coral rings and necklaces. Hence, while going to swim, take out white coral gemstones.
Remove Your White coral stone before taking a bath:
It would be appropriate if you bath without wearing white coral gemstone (Moonga) because applying soap on your ornaments can form a thin layer or film over the top of the metal that scale down the luster and gleam of the gemstones especially in case of diamond and gold ornaments. Therefore, you must remove all your white coral gemstone before taking a bath.
Clean White coral stone with soapy water:
The easiest and effective way to clean your white coral gemstone is with warm water, mild soap, and a soft brush. To clean your white coral stone prepares a mixture of warm water with the mild detergent powder. Put your white coral ornaments in the mixture of detergent powder.
Keep it in the solution for more than 15 minutes to let the detergent soak all the impurities that reside in the white coral gemstone items.
After that, use a soft brush to clean white coral gemstonesoftly don’t use a harsh brush as it will slash the shine and luster of a white coral gemstone item. After cleaning the stone use a cotton cloth to rub the stone.
Buy Natural Red Coral
Seek Advice from a gemstone expert:
In order to obtain proper guidance on how to protect the white coral stone. One must pay a visit to a gemstone expert who will entail you the proper way to take care of your precious white coral stone jewelry.
If you want to check the astrological gemstone collection, you can visit our online store at www.9Gem.com
Since times immemorial, mankind has revered gemstones for their mystical powers. Hessonite or gomed is one of the astrologicalgemstones, which have some amazing curative powers.
The mystical stone Hessonite represents the malefic planet Rahu, which has no physical existence, rather it is a shadow planet, but its powers and strength have acquired the status of a planet for it.
Hessonite gemstone is worn by a native who has an ill-placed Rahu in his horoscope. By wearing a Hessonite ring, the wearer can overcome all the ill effects of this planet and achieve a state of optimal health and well be being.
Health Benefits of Hessonite Garnet Stone
Though Rahu lacks a physical body, it is among the most powerful planets in the solar system, which signifies intellect, wickedness, and confusion, making the native secretive, irresponsible and defiant in nature.
On the positive front, it is the planet that brings sudden profits to the native. Here, you can compare the effects of Rahu to those of the planet Saturn or Shani. However, this planet brings various diseases of body and mind to the native.
The negative placement of Rahu in the horoscope of the native can indicate certain health problems for him. These being the mental disorder, confusion, insomnia, stomach problems like constipation, asthma, insanity, and weakness of the mind.
Rahu causes such physical and mental illnesses which cannot be diagnosed and cured easily.
It can even cause suicidal tendencies in the native.
In order to overcome all these health problems caused by a malefic Rahu, one can rely upon a good quality Hessonite gemstone, which must be worn after consulting an expert astrologer.
Overcoming the Health Problems caused by Rahu with a Hessonite Gemstone
Hessonite is a vital gemstone, which can help the native to harness the positive energies of the karmic planet Rahu and reap the benefits of appeasing this powerful planet for him.
The honey-colored Hessonite enhances the psychic abilities of the wearer and makes the mind full of positive and peaceful thoughts.
This gemstone is effective for combating diseases such as high fevers, insomnia, epilepsy, allergies, fatigue, indigestion, and insanity. Other mental problems alleviated by wearing a flawless Hessonite are depression, anxiety, and lack of concentration.
It ensures good health and improves the appetite of the wearer. Overall, the fascinating gemstone Hessonite brings good health and all-around prosperity, if it suits the wearer.
In a nutshell, a precious Hessonite gemstone has a multitude of health benefits, which can be derived only if you buy hessonite gemstone and have it studded with a silver ring. Buying a certified Hessonite will ensure its good quality as well as desirable results come. For this purpose, 9Gem.com is a reliable website.
One of the most brilliant and beautiful gemstones in nature is Cat’s Eye, and equally amazing are its health benefits. Popularly known asLehsuniya gemstone, this lustrous gemstone belongs to the Chrysoberyl family and bears an uncanny resemblance with the eyes of a cat, thus getting this unusual name of Cat’s Eye.
It occurs naturally in a cabochon cut and has a color that varies from honey brown to apple green. The alluring Cat’s Eye gemstone is for the astrological planet Ketu, the tail of the dragon. It harmonize the evil influences of this planet. following is a list of amazing health benefits of cat’s eye lehsunia.
Influence of Planet Ketu on the Health of the Native
Like Rahu, Ketu too is a shadow planet that lacks a physical body, but still continues to exert a powerful influence on human beings. Ketu, which is considered to be the descending mode of the Moon, is quite similar to the planet Mars/Mangal in action.
It is a karmic planet, which gives results according to the karmas or actions of the natives. Hence, like Mars, Ketu influences the wisdom, healing, moksha, and liberation of natives.
A retrograde Ketu indicates accidents, surgeries, injuries, and health problems like hormonal imbalance, gout, arthritis, backache, leprosy, skin diseases, and allergies, for the native.
On the mental front, it indicates a lack of concentration as well as mental stress and tensions.
According to gem therapy, a Cat’s Eye ring helps to nullify the negative impacts of ill-placed Ketu in the horoscope of the native.
Combating Disease with Cat’s Eye Stone
The fascinating Cat’s Eye gemstoneis a very fast-acting gemstone, which has extraordinary healing properties, with the ability to combat a series of diseases caused by malefic Ketu. This powerful gemstone is widely used as a color therapy tool, which can transmit the hottest cosmic ray of infrared.
This makes it particularly useful for treating chronic diseases like cancer and paralysis. It also protects the native from genetic diseases. Other diseases, for which the potent Cat’s Eye gemstone is effective, include allergies, skin problems, and digestive diseases.
Cat’s Eye also has mental benefits, whereby it promotes concentration, perception, self-confidence, and mental peace. The stone can help the native get rid of unexpected tensions and fears.
Overall this gemstone safeguards the wearer from physical weakness as well as mental instability. Cat’s Eye can save the native from sudden accidents and injuries, in addition to countering these health problems.
This gemstone is more effective if it is worn as a Cat’s Eye ring or a Cat’s Eye bracelet. Also, you should not wear this gemstone without consulting an expert.
Make sure that you buy a certified Cat’s Eye stone to get good quality. A good online source of excellent certified Cat’s Eye gemstone is 9gem.com. For more updates on this stone, you can subscribe to the newsletter of 9Gem.com.
Video: Benefits Of Wearing Yellow Sapphire Gemstone
Theyellow sapphire gemstoneis also known as Pukhraj Stone in Indian Astrology is a natural gemstone that belongs to the corundum family. Basically, Yellow sapphire is a sapphire gemstoneand is popular for its excellent color and physical properties. There are some benefits of wearing yellow sapphire gemstones.
Benefits of wearing Yellow Sapphire Gemstone
Yellow Sapphire Pukhraj increases the earnings and makes you rich.
This Sapphire is excellent for soothing and focusing on the mind of the person.
Likewise, Yellow Sapphire helps in business and profession.
A delay in the marriage of a girl may resolve by wearing one Yellow Sapphire.
Similarly, Wearing a Yellow Sapphire harmonizes the relationship between husband and wife
Yellow Sapphire Pukhraj is one of the most beneficial in creativity and academics.
Enhance the negative effects of Planet Jupiter.
Yellow sapphire brings peace of mind, health, wisdom, and fame.
furthermore, Improve relationships with family and friends.
Video: Benefits Of Wearing Yellow Sapphire Gemstone
Introduction of Sapphire:- Sapphires are well-known gemstones. However, very few people know them by their mineral name-corundum. A gemstone quality specimen of corundum with a deep yellow and blue color known as Yellow sapphire and in the same way Blue sapphire.
Gemstone’s Importance as Per Astrology:-Gemstones have their own Spiritual Characteristics based on which they have a lot of spiritual energy (Shakti). It is better to wear them as per the advice of a qualified Astrologer as to when and how. Because if a gemstone is worn at the Wrong Time, the wearer may have to suffer its adverse effects.
Blue sapphire As per Astrology:- As per Astrology Blue Sapphire is associated with Shani (Saturn Planet). Deity Shani grants a person as per his past karmas. Blue sapphire wears as per the advice of an Astrologer for the kind grace of Shani. This Grace gives the wearer the strength to face the difficult situation in life arising from his past Karmas. That is why it is advisable to wear it when suffering from the harmful position of Shani in horoscope.
Some astrological benefits of Blue Sapphire
1. Blue Sapphire gives mental clarity and clears confusion and doubts.
2. Wearing this gemstone during the Sade Sati period boosts energy levels and ups his/her metabolism.
3. Blue sapphire blesses the wearer with name, fame, fortune, and money.
4. Wearing the Blue Sapphire provides protection against theft terror accidents and problems caused due to natural calamities.
5. Blue Sapphire (Neelam) gemstone helps in handling nerve-related tensions, sensual disorders, etc.
Yellow sapphire As per Astrology:- As per Astrology, Yellow sapphire is associate with Guru (Jupiter planet). Guru is symbolic of Knowledge. Hence, the vibration of this Planet is yellow. In the same way, the vibrations of Guru are attract to the yellow sapphire in a higher percentage. Yellow sapphire gives a variety of benefits as per Astrology.
Some Astrological benefits of Yellow sapphire
1. The Pukhraj Stone protects the wearer from evil and provides marital happiness and satisfaction for women especially.
2. If the wearer is a woman, it provides her with a loving and prosperous groom, love, conjugal satisfaction, and happiness in her marital life.
3. Jupiter, in Hindu culture, has been called Guru (teacher). Therefore, advocates, lawyers and judges, teachers, scholars, and writers benefit extremely from it.
4. It is also known for providing healing powers in the ailments of the kidneys, mouth, cough, and fever.
5. The powers of a yellow sapphire protect its wearer from accidental death.
The precious Jade gemstonesis a fine-grain mineral aggregate made up of either Jadeite or Nephrite or even both of these minerals. This stunning gem is popular as “yu” in Chinese, which means imperial or heavenly. This is the reason why this stone is linked with the Imperials in China.
Jadeite is a mineral that has a long history. In ancient times, the mineral was used to create tools and weapons as it is a tough mineral. Being a pyroxene mineral, jadeite is a form of pure jade. It is a rare form and thus, comes with a huge price tag.
Origin of Jade
While there are several sources of Jadeite in the world, the primary source of origin is Myanmar (Burma). This place is also a key source of imperial jadeite. Other than this, imperial jadeite is also found in Guatemala, and Jadeite is sourced from places like Canada, Cuba, Guatemala, Japan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey, and the USA.
Different Types of Jade Gemstone
There is a huge variety of Jadeites that can be found in this day and age. Its beautiful colors make it one of the most desirable minerals across the world. From white to lavender, orange, green, yellow, gray, and even black – it is available in different colors.
However, jadeite is white in its purest form, and the presence of impurities gives it several colors. The most valuable of jadeite comes in a bright emerald green color and is translucent. It is the presence of chromium that gives this stone the gorgeous green color.
It is interesting to note that Jadeite can have more than one color in a single gemstone. There is no denying that just like any other gemstone, a Jadeite which has evenly distributed color is valued pretty high. But then again, color preferences vary as per the region.
While in the West, deep and vivid green jadeite is favored the most; in the Far East, it is the pure white or yellow jadeite which comes with a pink tone that is prized as high as imperial jadeite.
Gemological properties of Jade
Chemical Formula
NaAlSi2O6 Sodium aluminum silicate
White, yellow, orange, lavender, green, gray and black
Crystal Structure
Hardness on the Mohs scale
6.5 – 7
Double Refraction or Birefringence
Rarely observed due to lack of crystals
Refractive Index
1.652 – 1.688
Opaque, translucent
Greenish: Very weak; whitish: Glimmer
3.30 – 3.38
Dull, greasy, vitreous
Properties of Jade
As per the Chinese tradition, the Green Jade signifies the five virtues of humanity: compassion, courage, justice, modesty, and wisdom. One who wears this stone can observe all these virtues.
Jadeite carries with it some incredible healing properties which help in encouraging longevity. As per the feng shui, jadeite can positively influence the health and the prosperity of the wearer.
Wearing jadeite bangles cures serious illnesses or treats those who have been involved in accidents. The jadeite bangles are believed to absorb negative energy, protecting the wearers from dangers.
According to astrology, jadeite is related to the Taurus sign.
In addition, jadeite is to prepare one for love, opening their heart to receive love without any reluctance. Being a stone of love, green jade can assist in restoring, rekindling, and fostering love in relationships.
It also gives a boost to trust, loyalty, and energy in relationships. Those who find it difficult to meet the love of their life can wear this stone to meet the love they need at the right time and in the right place.
As a matter of fact, green jade acts great for healing those who are hurt and have some guilts. Wearing this stone can help you go across your boundaries and get the support you need to attain your goals.
How to Use Jade for the Best Results?
Jade is a blessing in disguise for various reasons. When you wear a Green Jade, you will be able to calm your senses, no matter how many difficulties you may be facing in your life. With the healing properties that the stone has, your nerves can get balance, and your cardiac rhythm can be relaxed.
In order to reap the benefits of this stone, you can wear it as a pendant or a necklace. This will help you stay protected against abuse and deception. Wearing this stone around your neck will also bring peace by strengthening you quietly. You can even keep a green jade crystal in your pocket or purse to get the advantages out of it.
By placing this stone on the forehead, one can see lovely and inspiring dreams.
Wearing this stone can help one get rid of their fears of the unknown, especially when they find themselves in an unfamiliar place. Those who want to stay protected while traveling alone can keep a piece of green jade for protection.
In case you feel that your energy needs to get recharged or you want protection from illness, then all that you would have to do is stroke a green jade gem with your hands, and you will receive the protective energies that you covet. For nature lovers, this stone acts as a boon as it is beneficial for hiking, gardening, or just for spending time outdoors.
This amazing stone helps one release their negative emotions and stabilize their thoughts.
The Best Combination to use with Green Jade
Wearing a green jade gemstone can result in immense prosperity and abundance for the wearer. When it comes to increasing these wonderful energies of the green jade, it can pair with other lucky crystals that can attract more good fortune.
One can combine Green Jade with Aqua Aura, Bloodstone, Citrine, Malachite, Moss Agate, Orange Moss Agate, Smoky Quartz, Tree Agate, and Turquoise.
For those who wish to have a much more generous and compassionate heart, it would be beneficial to wear this stone with Green Jasper, Green Tourmaline, Kunzite, Moonstone, Red Jasper, or Rose Quartz.
As per astrology, there are nine planets with different wearing methods and all of them play a significant role in the life of a human being. Therefore, in order to achieve the positive results which are being offered by these extremely efficient planets, a person can adopt different gemstones as per their association with their corresponding planet.
Precisely, there arenavratna gemstones in correspondence with nine planets, and each of them has different wearing methods and carries special characteristics to offer to the ascendants of their respective planets. However, in order to reap the advantages that are being provided by these planets.
Also, a person must know these important facts like whichgemstonesrelate to which planet, what should be the ideal weight of the stone to be adopted, in which metal the stone needs to be embedded, finger in which the stone needs to be fixed with wearing methods and what is the ideal time of subscribing this stone? Thus, in order to receive the answer to all your questions, read the following arctic
Name of the Nine Planets And Respective Gemstone
Names of the nine planets are Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu.
Here, these are the list of all nine planets, their wearing methods, and however, these are also revered as being “Navratnas”. Let’s see which gemstone is suitable for which planet among all nine planets.
1. Planet Sun (Surya):
Basically, Sun is considered as ‘King’ among all the nine planets and It is by the reason of the sun is the only source of energy in the solar system.
Ruby Gemstone (Manik):
Ruby Gemstoneis a precious gemstone of Lord Sun. Even this ruby gemstone comes in Dark red to light pink color. So, It represents authority, dignity, boldness, commanding power, courage, and a kind heart.
Astrologers mostly recommend wearing ruby gemstone to those persons whose sun is not good in their horoscope or is affected by maleficent planets.
If the planet Sun gives good results in someone’s horoscope, Then he/she must wear a ruby gemstone to increase the power of the planet Sun. Here are some wearing methods of Ruby.
Natural Ruby Gemstones
Purification and Activation of Gemstone:
For Purifying and activation of ruby gemstone, firstly dip the ring in milk, honey, and pure water for 20 to 30 min so that all the negativity is washed away.
Secondly, burn incense sticks and pray to the God Sun to bless you with his abundant blessings, and recite the mantra ॐसूर्यायनम:
Minimum Weight Of The Ruby Stone:
To get a good result, One should wear stone according to body weight (For 10Kg bodyweight need 1 Ratti). Cheap and bad gemstones can produce malefic results.
Finger To Wear Ruby Stone:
An individual should wear a ruby stone or Manik Rattan on the ring finger of the right hand.
Make in gold or Copper ring to get good results.
Day To Wear Ruby Stone:
The ruby gemstone must be worn on Sunday morning most probably during the (Shukla Dasha).
Time To Wear Ruby Stone:
The ideal time to wear a ruby gemstone, the first hour of the day (after sunrise).
Moon signifies peace and calmness of the mind and It denotes the mother and heart of a person.
Pearl Gemstone (Moti):
Pearl Gemstoneis regarded to be the gemstone for the Planet moon. It is being said that wearing pearl stone with proper wearing methods removes the malicious effects of the moon and gets rid-off a person from depression and gloom, averts his/her mind toward positiveness, and builds his/her reputation in society.
Fresh Water Pearl
Purification and Activation of Gemstone:
For Purification and activate the Pearl gemstone, Firstly, Dip the ring into Gangajal or cow milk at least 10 to 20 min before wearing. Then Recite the mantra “ॐसोंसोमायनम” or “Aum Chandraya Nama”.
Minimum Weight Of The Pearl Stone:
One should wear stone according to body weight (For 10Kg bodyweight need 1 Ratti). Cheap and bad gemstones can produce malefic results.
Finger To Wear Pearl Stone:
The pearl stone ring should be worn on the little/ring finger of the working hand.
Metal: Make your pearl ring in Silver or gold. But most people make their ring in silver metal.
Day To Wear Pearl Stone:
The pearl stone should be worn on Monday only.
Time To Wear Pearl Stone:
To ensure the enrich properties of pearl stone. It should be worn in the first hour of the day (after sunrise)
Like others, Mars is the ferocious red color planet that signifies courage, determination, anger, cruelty, self-determination, and physical strength.
Red Coral Gemstone (Moonga):
According to astrology,red coral gemstonerepresents Mars (Mangal) planet. However, Red coral was found under a seawater depth of 500 Feet in the shape of leafless bushes. Most the people wear this stone for Manglik Dosh because it is believed that wearing red coral may help to nullify the Manglik Dosh.
Similarly, the red coral stone preserves the positive powers emitted by the planet Mars within it if worn with proper wearing methods. Also, It can ensure harmony in married life. If Mars is weak in a horoscope, then it will denote many diseases like- indigestion. stomachs, fever, smallpox, lack of energy level, boils acidity, etc. you can wear red coral gemstone to cure these diseases.
Red Coral Gemstone
Purification and Activation of Gemstone:
For Purification and activate the coral, Firstly dip your coral ring in Gangajal or Un-boiled milk for 10 to 20 min for energizing the Gem with the prescribed mantra “ॐअंअंगारकायनम”.
Minimum Weight Of The Coral Stone:
One should wear stone according to body weight (For 10Kg bodyweight need 1 Ratti). According to astrology, Italian Coral gives you the best results.
Finger To Wear Coral Stone:
It should be worn on the ring finger of the right hand.
It should be studded with a gold or copper ring.
Day To Wear Coral Stone:
On Tuesday morning (Shukla Paksha).
Time To Wear Coral Stone:
The best time to wear red coral stone is the first hour of the day (after sunrise).
Basically, the planet mercury signifies wit, intellect, love, education, business, and fortune. Therefore a person whose birth planet is mercury must wear this gemstone. This planet represents the “planet of love” or “prince of planets”.
Emerald Gemstone (Panna):
Emerald is a precious green color gemstone that belongs to the beryl family and in astrology, it represents Planet Mercury. Wearing emerald gemstonegives complete peace of mind by increasing the level of tolerance.
It also generates a better understanding of the family for harmonious relationships. Emerald possesses exceptional healing powers to enhance blood circulation and control diseases like asthma, diarrhea, ulcers, and stammering. It relieves insomnia and negativity from the mind.
Natural Emerald Gemstone
Purification and Activation of Gemstone:
For Purification and activate the emerald, dip the emerald ring in Gangajal or un-boiled milk for 10- 20 min to energize the gem with the prescribed mantra ॐबूबुद्धाय नम:
Minimum Weight Of The Emerald Stone:
Generally, One should wear stone according to body weight (For 10Kg bodyweight need 1 Ratti). Zambian and Colombian emerald gemstones give good results.
Finger To Wear Emerald Stone:
For best results wear an emerald ring on the little finger or ring finger of the right hand.
For the best result emerald should be worn in Gold or Silver.
Day To Wear Emerald Stone:
For the best astrological result, one should wear emerald on Wednesday morning
Time To Wear Emerald Stone:
The best time to wear the stone in the first hour of the day (after sunrise).
Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar panel and it has got the status of “teacher” among all other planets. It is an auspicious planet and bequeaths benefits like health, prosperity, wealth, and fate to its wearer.
Yellow Sapphire Gemstone (Pukhraj):
According to Vedic astrology yellow sapphirerepresents the planet Jupiter and is also known as Pukhraj in Hindi. Pukhraj Stone is the most expensive and precious gemstone.
If your Jupiter is weak and you are continuously facing troubles, not getting good results, loss in business, then you must wear the yellow sapphire but it is important to consult an astrologer before wearing it.
Yellow sapphire gives good health, wisdom, prosperity, financial gain, longevity, and name, honored and fame.
Natural Yellow Sapphire
Purification and Activation of Gemstone:
For purification and activation of yellow sapphire, dip your Pukhraj ring in honey, Gangajal or milk for 10 to 20 mins for energizing the gem with prescribed mantra ॐब्रह्मब्रह्स्प्तियेनम:
Minimum Weight Of The Pukhraj Stone:
One should wear stone according to body weight (For 10Kg bodyweight need 1 Ratti).
Finger To Wear Pukhraj Stone:
According to astrology or planetary fingers, it should be worn on the index finger of the right hand.
Yellow sapphire should be worn in gold metal for the best results.
Day To Wear Pukhraj Stone:
For the best result, one should wear the yellow sapphire gemstone on Thursday morning.
Time To Wear Pukhraj Stone:
The best time to wear yellow sapphire in the first hour of the day (after sunrise).
Saturn is the fastest-acting planet on the solar panel. If Saturn suits a person will bring all sort of happiness in one’s life. However, if it does not suit you it may destroy the life of its wearer.
Blue Sapphire Gemstone or Neelam Ratna:
The sapphire is rarest and most valuable mineral which found from various parts of the world. It is the birthstone of September month.
Blue sapphire is a precious and expensive gemstone that relates with Planet Saturn. It has all the peculiarity of Saturn. This sapphire is one of the effective and fast-acting gemstones.
It doesn’t suits everyone so it is necessary to consult with an astrologer before wearing it. But when this Gem comes to suit anyone then the person will become rich.
It can bless you with wealth, good luck, opportunity, and promotion, etc. within 1 day to a month of wearing it. It also gives you name & fame, Prosperity.
Blue Sapphire Gemstone
Purification and Activation of Gemstone:
For purification and activation of blue sapphire firstly dip the ring in Gangajal and milk for 10 to 20 min for energizing the gem with prescribed mantraॐशंशनिश्चरायनम:
Minimum Weight Of The Neelam Stone:
One should wear stone according to body weight (For 10Kg bodyweight need 1 Ratti). Ceylon Blue Sapphire will give you the best results.
Finger To Wear Neelam Stone:
According to astrology, blue sapphire gemstone worn on the middle finger of the right hand.
For the best results, Neelam should be worn in gold or silver metal.
Day To Wear Neelam Stone:
One should wear blue sapphire on Saturday morning
Time To Wear Neelam Stone:
The best time to wear the Neelam stone in the first hour of the day (after sunrise)
Venus signifies spirituality, honesty, dignity, courage, love, and morality. Venus is the nearest planet of earth.
Diamond Stone (Heera):
Diamond is expensive and very rare kind of stone commonly used in jewelry, for decoration. It is a hot gemstone among the Navratnas and indicates love, marriage, partner, beauty, modesty, sincerity, doctor, dance, drama, etc. In astrology, Diamond represents the Venus(Shukra) Planet.
Diamond (Heera) relates to the venus Planet which is the symbol of luxury, and it is beneficial to get a happy wedding life.
By wearing diamond with proper wearing methods you can give strength to Venus and get all the beneficial results. The Small size of diamonds has also considered price in the markets.
Diamond – Birthstone for April
Purification and Activation of Gemstone:
For purification and activation of a diamond, dip your diamond ring in honey, the Gangajal or milk for 10 to 20 mins for energizing the gem with the prescribed mantra ॐशुक्रदेवायनम:
Minimum Weight Of The Diamond:
The minimum weight of the diamond is 0.4 to 1 carat because it is very expensive. Before wearing a diamond it is mandatory to consult with the astrologer.
Finger To Wear Diamond:
For the best results, you should be worn in a middle finger of your right hand.
Heera gemstone should be worn in gold metal or silver metal depends on your choice.
Day To Wear Diamond:
For Good Results, Wearing diamond on Friday morning in Shukla Paksha days.
Time To Wear Diamond: The best time to wear the diamond in the first hour of the day (after sunrise).
Rahu represents the north node of the moon and the lower half of the snake. It does not have a physical existence, however, due to its capability of creating a greater impact on the life of a human being.
Hessonite Gemstone or Gomed Stone:
Hessonite gemstoneis also known as gummed in Hindi and Gomed is the gemstone of the shadow planet Rahu. The shadow planet Rahu is responsible for all sorts of delays.
Gomed can help the wearer in achieving speedy success. It is highly beneficial to protect from evils, and hidden enemies and it also increases energy, good health, wealth, and all-round prosperity.
Most of the people wear Hessonite gemstone to get rid of Rahu Dasha and malefic Rahu. Use following wearing methods to get proper results.
Hessonite Gemstone
Purification and Activation of Gemstone:
For purification and activation of Hessonite, dip your Hessonite ring in honey, Gangajal or milk for 10 to 20 mins for energizing the gem with the prescribed mantra ऊँरांराहवेनम:
Minimum Weight Of The Hessonite Stone:
One should wear stone according to body weight (For 10Kg bodyweight need 1 Ratti).
Finger To Wear Hessonite Stone:
For the best results, the ring should be worn on the middle/ring finger of the right hand.
Hessonite gemstone should be worn in silver to get the best results.
Day To Wear Hessonite Stone:
For Good Results, Wearing Hessonite on Wednesday/Saturday morning in Shukla Paksha days.
Time To Wear Hessonite Stone:
According to astrology, The best time to wear the stone in the first hour of the day (after sunrise).
due to its substantial power to affect the life of an individual. Ketu planet does not have any physical existence, however, due to its substantial power to affect the life of an individual. This planet is revered for its status of the planet.
The Ketu represents the south node of the moon and the upper half of the snake. It signifies spirituality, peace of mind, wealth, happiness and prosperity. This Gem also comes in other colors like a black, black and white, yellow, pale blue and light red.
Cats Eye Stone (Lehsunia):
According To astrology, cat’s eye gemstoneis associated with the Ketu planet. This gem is highly suitable to those who don’t have well placed Ketu on their birth chart.
Proper use of this Gemstone with proper wearing methods will ease matters considerably and safeguard them from scandals, lose or reputation.
Cats Eye Gemstone
Purification and Activation of Gemstone:
For purification and activation of Cat’s Eye, dip your Cat’s Eye ring in honey, Gangajal or milk for 10 to 20 mins for energizing the gem with the prescribed mantra ऊँकेंकेतवेनम:
Minimum Weight Of The Cat’s Eye Stone:
One should wear stone according to body weight (For 10Kg bodyweight need 1 Ratti).
Finger To Wear Cat’s Eye Stone:
For the best results, the ring should be worn on the ring finger of the right hand.
Cat’s Eye gemstone should be worn in silver to get the best results.
Day To Wear Cat’s Eye Stone:
For Good Results, Wear Cat’s Eye on Wednesday/Saturday morning on Shukla Paksha days.
Time To Wear Cat’s Eye Stone:
According to astrology, The best time to wear the stone in the first hour of the day (after sunrise).
Buy Cat’s Eye Gemstone OnlineClick Here >>
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If you want to check the astrological gemstone collection, you can visit our online store at www.9Gem.com